3D Training: Unlocking Athletic Potential in Every Plane of Motion

Training across all three planes of motion—sagittal, frontal, and transverse—is vital for athletes to enhance functional strength, prevent injury, and improve sport-specific skills. By incorporating exercises like medicine ball throws and utilizing advanced equipment such as the Proteus Motion's 3D resistance system, athletes can experience a training advantage that translates into superior performance on the field.

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Assessments, Training, Proteus Motion Tyler Soucie Assessments, Training, Proteus Motion Tyler Soucie


Traditionally, power has been difficult to measure given that it is the product of other metrics (force and speed) and is also produced three-dimensionally. Proteus, however, allows us to evaluate an athlete’s power accurately, how much force and velocity contribute to it and visualize their power production in three dimensions.

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Coaching, Youth Training Tyler Soucie Coaching, Youth Training Tyler Soucie

Breaking the Mold: Our Approach to Youth Baseball Training

“What would you like to work on today?”

If this is the first thing out of your trainer’s mouth when you arrive at a facility to take a baseball lesson, get out of there.

Youth baseball training has been stuck in the same, ineffective cycle for too long. It’s become far too common (and easy) for trainers and facilities alike to collect your payment, stick you with a trainer whose primary experience is from their own playing days and then leave your athlete’s development to complete chance as you have drills thrown at you without any critical evaluation or thought.

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