The RAMP Protocol: A Comprehensive Warm-up Strategy for Enhancing Athletic Performance
In competitive sports like baseball, where every detail matters, an effective warm-up routine is a cornerstone of peak performance and injury prevention. In this post, I’ll outline the elements of a quality warm-up and provide you with the tools to create one for yourself or for your team.
Breaking the Mold: Our Approach to Youth Baseball Training
“What would you like to work on today?”
If this is the first thing out of your trainer’s mouth when you arrive at a facility to take a baseball lesson, get out of there.
Youth baseball training has been stuck in the same, ineffective cycle for too long. It’s become far too common (and easy) for trainers and facilities alike to collect your payment, stick you with a trainer whose primary experience is from their own playing days and then leave your athlete’s development to complete chance as you have drills thrown at you without any critical evaluation or thought.
Skill inhibitors & physiology: How are they related?
We see it time and time again, an athlete will come in for an assessment and explain to us all of the mechanical adjustments they’ve been trying to implement based on a their favourite professional baseballer or that have been assigned to them from a previous trainer or coach. While this is great in theory, most athletes become frustrated with the process of trying to make mechanical adjustments and often revert back to what feels familiar.