All memberships are automatically billed every four (4) weeks unless explicitly stated otherwise and will continue to renew until cancelled. To cancel, you must log into your account or email us at with a minimum of four (4) weeks' notice. Please review the full cancellation policy, terms, and conditions below for details. Refunds will not be issued for memberships or training packages that are not cancelled within the required notice period without exception.
Velo Baseball Ltd. requires that all billing payments go through electronically. Velo Baseball Ltd. does not recommend members to make any payments at the facility. Velo Baseball Ltd. will not be responsible for errors made due to payments made in-house. If payments must be made in-house, they must be made no later than 4 days before the next payment due date. Any account changes must also be made no later than 4 days before the next payment due date. Memberships may not be paid more than 4 days in advance. Velo Baseball Ltd. will assess a $35 fee for all rejected payments. All account changes are the sole responsibility of the member. I understand that I must notify the gym for any account information changes including: Name change, address change, or account number change. Buyer acknowledges receipt of a fully completed copy of this contract executed by both buyer and seller and acknowledges all terms and conditions set forth in this contract. I authorize Velo Baseball Ltd. to debit my bank account.
1. CONSUMER’S RIGHT TO CANCELLATION: You may cancel your subscription anytime by logging into your account. Alternatively, cancellation requests can be made by emailing with a minimum of four (4) weeks' notice before your next renewal date. Please note that cancellations made less than four (4) weeks before the renewal date will not take effect until the following billing cycle. Any credits remaining on your account at the time of cancellation will remain available for future bookings, subject to our standard terms and conditions. However, no refunds will be provided for cancellations made after a renewal has been processed. By subscribing, you agree to these terms and conditions, which may be updated periodically and posted on our website.
2. ADDITIONAL RIGHTS TO CANCELLATION: You may also cancel this Contract for any of the following reasons: a) If upon a doctor's order, you cannot physically receive the services due to significant physical disability for a period in excess of six months; b) If you die, your estate will be relieved of any further obligation for payment under the Contract not then due and owing; c) If substantial services of the Velo Baseball Ltd. cease to be offered as stated in the Contract. Cancellation must be made online by logging into your account prior to the renewal date. If you would like a Velo Baseball staff member to process your cancellation, a minimum of ten (10) business days must be provided. The buyer is responsible to retain his copy of the Velo Baseball Ltd. cancellation form as proof of cancellation. Members agree to pay any overdue balance should they cancel their contract before making the minimum number of payments.
3. HEALTH WARRANTY: Member and Buyer represent that Member is in good health and has no disability, impairment medical condition or illness preventing Member from engaging in exercise, use of Velo Baseball Ltd.’s facilities or that poses a health risk to other users of the Gym. Member and Buyer assume full responsibility for Member's medical condition as it relates to his/her ability to engage in exercise. Member and Buyer agree that Member will not use any of Velo Baseball Ltd.’s facilities with open cuts, abrasions, sores, infections, contagious conditions or maladies which may impose a health risk to others in accordance with state and local health requirements. Velo Baseball Ltd. Management reserves the right to prohibit or limit the use of its facilities to Members with such conditions in accordance with state and local health requirements.
4. ASSUMPTION OF RISK/PERSONAL INJURY: Member and Buyer assume all risks and responsibility for any personal injury sustained by Member (and child/charge) as a result of his/her physical exercise, use of facilities and equipment, class participation and/or instruction by a personal trainer and/or coach. Member and Buyer release and discharge Velo Baseball Ltd., its officers, employees, independent contractors, and agents from any and all liability, loss, or expense (including legal costs) incurred by Member and Buyer as a result of such personal injury and use of facilities and services except to the extent that such injury results from the negligence or willful misconduct of Velo Baseball Ltd., its officers, employees, independent contractors or agents.
5. PERSONAL PROPERTY WAIVER: Velo Baseball Ltd. urges Members not to bring valuable personal property into the Facility. Velo Baseball Ltd., its officers, employees, independent contractors and agents shall not be liable for the loss, theft of or damage to the Member's personal property located anywhere in Velo Baseball Ltd., including all lockers, coat check and equipment storage areas. Member and Buyer further agree to waive such claims against Velo Baseball Ltd., its officers, employees, independent contractors and agents.
6. RENEWALS: All memberships are automatically renewed after the initial term has been completed until a written cancellation notice has been provided or the membership has been terminated by The Client as per the Cancellation terms.
7. OBLIGATION TO PAY: Buyer will not be relieved of his/her obligations to make payments agreed to for Member's failure to use Velo Baseball Ltd. facilities. Member dues are for the time period designated and do not relate to the actual usage of Velo Baseball Ltd..
8. CHANGE OF NAME/ADDRESS: Velo Baseball Ltd. must be notified, in writing, of any name or address change.
9. DISHONOURED CHECK, DRAFT, CREDIT CARD CHARGE OR EFT TRANSFER: If any check, draft, credit card or EFT transfer payable to Velo Baseball Ltd. is not honoured, Velo Baseball Ltd. will: assess a $35.00 collection fee for each such item; collect the current and past due amounts. Members who dispute credit card charges through their credit card providers will be charged an additional $35 service fee per chargeback if the charges are legitimate and in accordance with the buyer's contract agreement.
10. UNPAID BALANCES: All balances in arrears over fourteen (14) days are subject to a weekly service charge. Any unpaid balance for membership fees, goods or services past fourteen (14) days may result in automatic suspension of club privileges and may be reported to third persons. Buyer is obligated to pay any collection and/or legal costs incurred by Velo Baseball Ltd. for collection. Velo Baseball Ltd. reserves the right to charge Debit/Credit Cards or Bank Accounts for all overdue balances and late fees. Velo Baseball Ltd. reserves the right to accelerate the initial twelve (12) monthly payments plus the addition of an additional $100 service fee if the member defaults or becomes overdue for a period of more than thirty (30) days. All outstanding balances are subject to 2% monthly interest.
11. MEMBERSHIP FEE: Monthly payments are guaranteed for the term of the membership as long as the membership is in good standing and there are no outstanding balances. The maintenance Fee is subject to annual increases.
12. RULES, REGULATIONS AND SCHEDULES: Proper athletic attire must be worn at all times in all areas of Velo Baseball Ltd. Member agrees to abide by all Velo Baseball Ltd. rules and regulations. Facility rules, regulations, schedules and fees are subject to change at Velo Baseball Ltd.'s sole discretion.
13. RIGHT TO REVOKE MEMBERSHIP: Velo Baseball Ltd. reserves the right to suspend or revoke membership, without refund of membership fees, for a breach of Facility rules or regulations, violations of Contract terms, or generally undesirable behaviour to other members or staff as determined by Velo Baseball Ltd. at its sole discretion.
14. FACILITIES, EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES: Velo Baseball Ltd. facilities, equipment, services, classes, days and hours of operation are subject to change at Velo Baseball Ltd.'s sole discretion. As a result of repairs, maintenance, or special occasions, Velo Baseball Ltd. may be required to restrict the use of the facilities, and equipment, limit services or cancel one or more classes. Member agrees that there will be no reduction or refund of membership fees for such reasons. In case of long-term interruption of all services at Velo Baseball Ltd. (i.e. fire or other disasters), Velo Baseball Ltd. reserves the right to freeze memberships and add the lost time once services resume. All Velo Baseball Ltd. members must pay for any and all damages done to equipment, facilities, etc. and members will be held responsible to pay for any damages their guests may cause as well.
15. TRANSACTING BUSINESS: No solicitation or conducting the business of any kind is permitted at Velo Baseball Ltd. Failure to comply with this regulation without the pre-written consent of Velo Baseball Ltd. will result in the immediate termination of your membership with no refund.
16. LIMITATION OF MEMBERSHIP RIGHTS: Membership shall entitle the Member to the use of Velo Baseball Ltd. facilities, as set forth in this Contract. Member and Buyer shall not have any rights regarding the operation of Velo Baseball Ltd. or services offered. Velo Baseball Ltd. reserves the right to restrict and/or eliminate multi-club use between locations at its sole discretion. Members must join the location that is closest to their home and pay the rates at that particular location. Velo Baseball Ltd. reserves the right to charge extra for local multi-club use at any time.
17. PERSONAL TRAINING: No personal instruction may be conducted at Velo Baseball Ltd. without the prior written approval of Management.
18. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. There is no reliance by Member or Buyer on any representations, oral or otherwise, not stated herein. No modification of this Contract will be effective unless it is in writing and signed by both parties.
19. CONTRACT APPROVAL: All Membership Contracts are subject to final approval by Velo Baseball Ltd. Management. Velo Baseball Ltd. reserves the right to refuse this contract for any reason at our sole discretion.
20. GOVERNING LAW: This Contract will be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario. If any provision of this Contract is deemed invalid, the same will not affect the enforcement of any other provision of this Contract.
21. BILLING ON FILE: All members must have valid and current billing information on file at all times. Members cannot have monthly billing membership without a valid and active credit card number on file. If Member fails to provide Velo Baseball Ltd. with proper billing information, Velo Baseball Ltd. reserves the right to accelerate his/her fees for the initial twelve (12) months plus an additional $100 service fee penalty due immediately.
22. SALES TAX: In addition to the cost of this membership, Member agrees to pay any and all sales, value-added and other taxes levied or assessed by any government authority by reason of this Agreement and which are at law collectible from the Member.