We are excited to announce that, as of fall 2022, all athletes that train with Velo Baseball will be utilizing PULSE Throw wearable workload monitors as a key part of their training plans.
PULSE Throw provides a simple, actionable way to build arm strength and aid recovery by giving you daily workload targets for your throwing program.
Sleep for Athletic Performance: The Importance of Pre-Sleep Routines & Consequences of Sleep Deprivation
Sleep is important for athletes but many athletes find it difficult to get to sleep on time or have had difficulty in the past. How do your sleep routines influence your ability to fall asleep? How does your sleep impact your performance? In this article we discuss...
The Era of “Science” (Mis)communication on Social Media: 3 ways baseball research is misinterpreted and misrepresented.
There are a plethora of coaches on instagram who use research to support their views - some of these views are supported by the literature whereas others are misguided (at best).
Thoracic Mobility and Throwers
The ability to create hip and shoulder separation in combination with producing maximum trunk rotation has been strongly correlated with increased pitch velocity. (1, 4-6, 11-14, 19) Trunk rotation can provide up to 50% of the kinetic energy and momentum for pitching. (18) This separation creates and stores elastic energy in the muscles, tendons and fascial systems through what is called the stretch-shortening cycle (SSC). (5, 19) SSC refers to the muscle action when muscle lengthening is immediately followed by active muscle shortening.